Marko Klašnja ("Klashnya")
Associate Professor
School of Foreign Service and Government Department
Mortara Center 210
Georgetown University

Google Scholar

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Wealthy Americans and Redistribution: The Role of Fairness Preferences

with Alain Cohn, Lasse J. Jessen, and Paul Smeets

Journal of Public Economics, forthcoming

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Anti-Corruption Efforts and Electoral Manipulation in Democracies

with Grigore Pop-Eleches

Journal of Politics, 2022, 84(2), 739-752

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Parties as Disciplinarians: Charisma and Commitment Problems in Programmatic Campaigning

with James Hollyer and Rocío Titiunik

American Journal of Political Science, 2022, 66(1), 75-92

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When Do Voters Sanction Corrupt Politicians?

with Noam Lupu and Joshua Tucker

Journal of Expertimental Political Science, 2021, 8(2), 161-171

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Ideology of Affluence: Attributions for Inequality and Political Attitudes among Rich Americans

with Liz Suhay and Gonzalo Rivero

Journal of Politics, 2021, 83(1), 367-380

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Getting Rich Too Fast? Voters' Reactions to Politicians' Wealth Accumulation

with Simon Chauchard and S.P. Harish

Journal of Politics, 2019, 81(4), 1197-1209

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Political Corruption Traps

with Andrew Little and Joshua Tucker

Political Science Research and Methods, 2018, 6(3), 413-428

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Uninformed Voters and Corrupt Incumbents

American Politics Research, 2017, 45(2), 256–279

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The Incumbency Curse: Weak Parties, Term Limits, and Unfulfilled Accountability

with Rocío Titiunik

American Political Science Review, 2017, 111(1), 129-148

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Segregation, Polarization, and Ethnic Conflict

with Natalija Novta

Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2016, 60(5), 927-955

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Increasing Rents and Incumbency Disadvantage

Journal of Theoretical Politics, 2016, 28(2), 225-265

Pocketbook vs. Sociotropic Corruption Voting

with Joshua Tucker and Kevin Deegan-Krause

British Journal of Political Science, 2016, 46(1), 67-94

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Corruption and the Incumbency Disadvantage: Theory and Evidence

Journal of Politics, 2015, 77(4), 928-942

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Education and Human Capital Externalities: Evidence from Colonial Benin

with Leonard Wantchekon and Natalija Novta

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2015, 130(2), 703-757

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The Economy, Corruption, and the Vote: Evidence from Experiments in Sweden and Moldova

with Joshua Tucker

Electoral Studies, 2013, 32(3), 536-543

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Electoral Rules, Forms of Government, and Political Budget Cycles in Transition Countries

Panoeconomicus, 2008, 3(2), 185-218

The EU and Kosovo: Time to Rethink the Enlargement and Integration Policy?

Problems of Post-Communism, 2007, 54(4), 15-32

Book Chapters

Measuring Public Opinion with Social Media Data

with Pablo Barberá, Nick Beauchamp, Jonathan Nagler, and Joshua Tucker

Oxford Handbook of Polling and Polling Methods (eds. Lonna Rae Atkeson and R. Michael Alvarez), 2017

Breaking (the New) Iron Triangle: Corruption, Voters, and Politicians

with Hanna Niczyporuk and Joshua Tucker

Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Political Economy (eds. Mark Kayser and Stephanie Rickard), 2018

Working papers

Wealth, Fundraising, and Voting in the U.S. Congress In Progress

with Andy Eggers

A Rich Woman's World? Wealth and Gendered Paths to Office In Progress

with Rachel Bernhard and Andy Eggers

The Political Wealth of Nations In Progress

with Lucia Motolinia

The Super Rich and the Rest: Campaign Finance Permissiveness and Politicians' Wealth In Progress

with Lucia Motolinia and Simon Weschle

Anti-Corruption, Partisan Bias, and the Public Opinion Constraints on Democratic Good Governance In Progress

with Grigore Pop-Eleches

Charismatic Leaders and Democratic Backsliding In Progress

with James Hollyer and Rocío Titiunik

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